
Negative pull ups:
5 x 5
Pronated Grip
5 sec Eccentric
Maintain Hollow position throughout
Scale to Supinated grip if too difficult

4 Rounds for Quality:
6 KB Kneeling to Standing
10 Half Kneeling KB Press (each side)


Partner WOD:
15 Min AMRAP
Partner A – 400m Run
Partner B – AMRAP
20 DB Alt. Box Step ups
10 DB STOH @22.5/15
5 Burpees



6 rounds of:
10 Down & ups
30 Alt. DB Snatch
60 DU/120 SU
After each round complete




1×3 @ 60 %
1×3 @ 70 %
1×3 @ 80 %
Then build to a heavy single

EMOM x 12
1) 12 T2R
2) 10-15 PVC Pipe V-Ups
3) 30 sec Hollow Hold


DB Deadlifts @22.5/15kg




20 secs work/10 secs rest
X 8
Plank Slides
Alt. Jumping Lunges
Shoulder Taps
Jumping Squats
X 2 (8 mins total

Rest 2 mins

20 secs work/10 secs rest
X 8
Bear Crawl
S/A KB OH Alt. Reverse Lunge
Mountain Climbers
KB Swing
X 2 (8 mins total

Rest 2 mins

20 secs work/10 secs rest
X 8
Kick Back Burpees
S/A DB Thruster
Slam Balls
S/A S/L DB Deadlift
X 2 (8 mins total





5 Rounds For Time:
22 Kettlebell swings (24/16 kg)
22 Box jump (24/20 Inch)
Run 400 meters
22 Burpees
22 Wall ball (20/16 lb)



8 Rounds of:
200m Run/300m Row
Hollow Rocks
DB Renegade Row
Walking Planks



Strict press:
 1×5 @ 50 %
1×5 @ 60 %
1×5 @ 70 %

3 x 5 Wall walks
3 x 10 HRPU
3 x 15 DB Standing strict press (Try and Build)


In a 3 min AMRAP:
9 DB Deadlifts
8 Burpees over DB
7 DB Thrusters
Rest 1 minute
X 4




30 min AMRAP:
40 KB Swings
30 Air Squats
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Burpees
20 Squat Thrusts
40 Walking Lunges




12 min to build weight up to 1RM

1st 16 KB SDHP
2nd 14 KB Goblet Reverse lunge
3rd Max Burpees Over KB
4th Rest



Every 30 secs x 24
1 Hang Power snatch + 1 OHS @ 60%
5 mins to build to a heavy Snatch


Partner WOD:
50 OHS @ 40/25kg
50 DB Renegade Rows
400m Row




Partner Chipper:
S/A KB Sit-up (Swap arms every 10 reps)
Air Squats (Synchro together)
KB Half Kneeling Press (Swap arms every 10 reps)
Every 3 mins complete 5 Synchro Down & Ups




Every 2:30 min X 5

12 DB Glute Bridge Floor Press
10 SA DB Bent Over Row (Each Side)

250m Row
20 MedBall Cleans
15 Hollow to Tuck



Front squats:
 1×5 @ 40 %
1×5 @ 50 %
1×5 @ 60 %
De-load – 1 sec pause in the bottom and speed out of the hole

3 x 5-10 Scap pull ups/Scap ring rows
1 x 5 Kip Pull up


5 Rounds for time:
50 Alt. Step ups
40 T2R
20 Inverted row (supinated grip)
Rest 90 secs between rounds




5 Rounds of:
24 DB Sit-ups
12 DB Front Rack Walking Lunges
24 DB Russian Twists
12 DB Front Squats
24 Kick Back Burpees
12 DB Thrusters




BB Strict Press
12 min to build weight up to 1RM

5 Rounds For Time:
5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Hang Cleans
5 DB Front Squat
5 DB Thrusters
TC: 12 Min



Negative pull ups:
3-5 x 3-5 with 5 sec eccentric

 3 x 10m Partner Wheelbarrow carries/Shoulder taps
3 x 3 Wall walks
 3 x 1 Wall Walk + 10-20s HS Hold at top
 5 x 3 Kick up to wall


For time:
50 Air Squats
50 Sit-ups
50 Deadlifts @ 50/35kg
50 Box Overs
50 Ring Rows
50 Cal Bike
50 Walking Lunges
(30 min cap)




25 min AMRAP:
16 Box Jumps
20 Cal Row
8 Burpee Box Jumps
20 Cal Bike
16 DB Box Step ups @ 22.5/15kg




Every 2:30 min X 5
5-10 Strict Chin Ups
8-12 Ring Push ups

Every 2 min X 4
20 Cal Bike (Sprint)
In the remaining time: Max Wall Shoulder Taps
Rest 1 min between sets

Do You Need to Warm Up for Running?

At the best Crossfit gym in Abu Dhabi we believe running can be a vital part to keeping fit and healthy. Whether you are training at home by yourself or at Crossfit Yas you may ask yourself, ‘do I need to warm up for running?’ the answer is… YES and we will teach you how to warm up effectively to improve your performance.

Increase your heartrate

One thing you want to achieve during a warm up is an increased heart rate. The length of the workout can dictate the length of the warm up. If your run/workout includes short, sharp intervals, this requires a longer warm-up period. A less intense activity requires a shorter period.

Include dynamic range of motion exercises

After you have increase your heart rate, focus on warming up your joints through dynamic range of motion exercises. Running can put a strain on your hips, knees and ankle joints.

Sprint varying distances and variances

The last thing we suggest you include in your warm up is some short sprints. These can vary on intensity, this is a nice way to prepare you for your run/workout. Here is an example running sprints to add to your warm up.

Sprint 50 meters @ 60% effort,
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 70% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 80% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 90% effort

Now you are prepared to go out and run!

5 nutrition habits for more strength and muscle

1. Eat more protein.

Here’s the problem – Most people don’t consume nearly enough protein to support muscle growth. You must focus on getting more high-quality whole food protein sources from animals and plants.

You can begin this habit by batch cooking three different protein sources for the week, such as hard boiled eggs, ground beef or a whole chicken in a crock pot. Just having more food on-hand and ready will make things easier.

Focus on eating one palm-sized portion of protein at every single meal. After two weeks, increase the protein portion closer to one and a half palms per meal, then work towards two palms. Keep that up and you’ll notice a big difference in the gym. You’ll also start looking much stronger as well.

2. Keep better snacks on hand.

You will need to eat in between meals to add muscle to your frame, there’s no doubt about it. But you can’t settle for unhealthy sugar-laden snacks that will just make you fat.

With a little planning, you will always be prepared. Keep a stash of healthy snacks in your desk, workout bag, or in your car. That could be jerky, nuts, seeds, coconut chips or high-quality protein bars. Single serving packets of coconut oil and almond butter can be a life saver in a pinch.

When it comes to creating new, better food habits, being prepared is essential. Don’t sabotage your efforts with missed meals and poor snack options.

3. Support digestion.

You are going to be eating more food than you are used to. Your digestive system will be working harder and secreting more digestive fluids to break down the extra food.

You might consider supplementing hydrochloric acid (HCL) and digestive enzymes to reduce the burden on the digestive system. Probiotics are a great way to support the digestive system as it adapts to the extra volume of food.

Begin by taking the enzyme supplement with your largest meal of the day and a probiotic during your night time routine. See how you feel and adjust as necessary. Also, you might try packing a few forkfuls of sauerkraut with your lunch three times per week. People have been eating fermented foods for thousands of years for a very good reason.

If you are digesting well, you’re going to feel, perform and look better.

4. Learn to cook in batches.

One day per week, set aside time to make a favorite meal in a larger portion than normal. Eat your fill, then use the extra servings for lunch or dinner the next day. You’ll be able to cook more meals at once as you get comfortable handling larger quantities of food. In just a few weeks, you should be able to prepare most of your weekly meals all at once, and with minimal fuss.

You can then spend all that time and effort throwing around barbell in the gym instead.

5. Use the Crock Pot!

The crock pot is an amazing, essential tool for meal prepping and batch cooking proteins, veggies and dense carbs.

Go get a big piece of meat and rub it down with any spice you want, then chop up a bunch of vegetables. Whatever you want. There, your meal prep is done! Put all the ingredients in your trusty crock pot with a half cup of water or some chicken stock. Then just turn it on low and let the magic happen. In 8 hours all you have to do is eat.

Cooking couldn’t get any easier than that. Also, you can find millions of great crock pot recipes online, so you’ll never get bored.